How to share spins in social media as GIF or video

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Share spins on social media

The animated spins you create on Sirv can easily be shared in your social media posts and articles. As social media platforms block JavaScript, you can share them as animated GIF or video. This tutorial shows how to embed 360 degree spins on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and Instagram.

Generate a GIF for social media

To display your spin as a GIF, you can either click the "Download as GIF" button in your Sirv account or simply add ?image at the end of your spin URL. For example:

Example spin GIF of a ring

Generate a video for social media

If your spin is very detailed, a video may be more suitable than a GIF. Videos are better compressed and support more colors.

Click the "Convert to video" button in your Sirv account:

How to convert spin into video - screenshot

Then choose the height or width of your video, plus the number of times it should loop:

Convert spin to video - parameters

Download your video, then you can upload it to social media sites.


Facebook logo

There are two ways to share GIFs on Facebook. Either paste the URL of the spin into a Facebook post and it'll be displayed as a GIF. Or download a video or GIF from your Sirv account and upload it to a Facebook post. Short videos will automatically loop on Facebook.

For detailed instructions, read our guide to sharing 360 spins on Facebook.


LinkedIn logo

LinkedIn posts support videos and LinkedIn articles support GIFs. To share a video in a post to your LinkedIn feed, click the "Video" button to upload it:

Add video to LinkedIn post

If you're writing a LinkedIn article, paste the URL of your GIF and it will animate in the article. Or you can upload the GIF as a header image and it will animate both inside the article and in the article preview in your followers feeds.

Follow the complete guide to embedding GIFs in LinkedIn.


Twitter logo

To tweet a GIF or a video, click the Add image/GIF to the tweet icon icon to upload an image/video. Select the file from your computer and a thumbnail will appear:

Screenshot of adding GIF to a tweet

GIFs and videos automatically play and loop in Twitter.


Pinterest logo

Share a spin on Pinterest by uploading it. Go to your "Pins", click the Add pin icon icon and drag-and-drop the GIF from your computer. A preview will appear:

Upload GIF to Pinterest

You can add a URL, such as the full-size interactive spin on Sirv.

Alternatively, you can click "Save from site" and paste the URL of your spin on Sirv:

Add link to Pinterest from Sirv account

Afterwards, you can edit the description and add it to your boards.

If you advertise on Pinterest, you can also upload videos to Pinterest.


Instagram logo

Post your spins to Instagram by uploading them as a video.

Download a video from Sirv, copy it to your smartphone, then open the Instagram app. Click the Add photo/video to Instagram icon icon and then the "Gallery" at the bottom of your screen. Select the video you wish to post and edit your video as you wish, with filters and a cover.

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