Folder and file lock

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To protect your images from mishaps, such as accidental deletion, moving or renaming, you can lock folders from changes.

This Enterprise feature adds an additional layer of protection for your organization's assets. It prevents any changes being made to protected files and folders, avoiding any unwanted modification of files.

Locking a folder

Right-click a folder and choose "Lock folder" from the context menu.

Screenshot of how to lock folder

By default, all subfolders will inherit the lock settings from its parent folder. Any existing subfolder lock settings will be registered so that folders can resume their earlier settings if the parent folder is unlocked in the future.

Alternatively, you can choose for the lock/unlock to be forced upon all subfolders, overriding any existing locks:

Lock folder to protect files

Properties of a locked folder

Locked folders have the following restrictions:

  • The folder and its content cannot be deleted.
  • The folder and its content cannot be renamed.
  • The folder and its content cannot be moved.
  • The folder and its content cannot be modified.
  • The folder settings cannot be modified.

Some permissions still exist after a folder has been locked:

  • New folders and files can be uploaded/created.
  • Folders and files can be copied.

Unlocking a folder

A locked folder must be unlocked before any user - regardless of their role - can delete/rename/move its contents.

Only the roles of Primary Owner, Owner and Admin have permission to lock and unlock folders. See the full range of user roles.

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