Using Sirv on Webflow

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Webflow logo Webflow is an all-in-one platform for building responsive websites, visually, right from your browser. More than 100,000 websites have been built in Webflow.

Sirv lets you add 360 spins, videos and deep-zoom images to enhance your Webflow website. They can be on their own or within a Sirv gallery.

Your gallery can contain any kind of asset - images, videos, 360 spins or 3D models. Many designs are possible, such as this:

Webflow product gallery example

Follow the steps below to create your product gallery.

1. Go to your Sirv account. If you're new to Sirv, create a free trial account.

2. Create a new folder called 'products':

Create new products folder

3. Within the 'products' folder, create a folder named after your product SKU e.g. handbag-0001:

Create new Product SKU folder

4. Upload your product assets (images, spins, video etc.) to the new Product SKU folder:

Upload spins images and videos

5. In Webflow, go to the "Products Template":

Webflow Products Template

6. Click to add a Div Block:

Add a Div block

7. Add a Custom Attribute named "data-gallery" to your new Div block:

Add data-gallery custom attribute

8. Drag a Text Block into your Div field:

Add a text block

9. Tick the 'Get text from' option and select SKU from the dropdown menu:

Select SKU from dropdown menu

10. Select the text block and add a Custom Attribute named 'data-SKU':

Add data-SKU custom attribute

11. Add an 'Embed' element to your Div:

Add embed element

You'll see the 'HTML Embed Code Editor':

Webflow HTML Embed Code Editor

12. Paste the following code into the Code Editor. Within the code, change the domain with your own Sirv domain:

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var $sku = document.querySelector('[data-sku]');
if ($sku) {
    $sku_text = $sku.innerHTML;
    document.querySelector('[data-gallery]').innerHTML = '<div class="Sirv" data-src="' + $sku_text + '.view"></div>';

13. Click to 'Save & Close' and then publish your changes.

Add an image, spin or video to Webflow

It's easy to add images, videos, 3D models and spins to your other Webflow pages too.

Follow these steps to add just one asset or a gallery of assets.

1. Log in to your Sirv account or create an account.

2. Upload your images, 360 spins, models or videos.

3. Right-click an asset and "Copy link".

4. Go to the Sirv Media Viewer generator and click the + icon:

Use your own content

5. Paste one or more of your image/spin/video URLs:

Paste your content

6. Change any of the options you wish to customize:

Customize your gallery

7. Copy the code from the 'Inline' tab:

Copy the HTML code

8. In your Webflow page, click the + icon and add an Embed element:

Add Embed element

9. Paste your Sirv code into the field, then click Save & Close:

Paste code in the HTML Embed Code Editor field

10. Publish your Webflow page to see your new interactive gallery.

Get help from Sirv

If you need any help adding images, videos, 360 spins or 3D models to your site, contact the Sirv customer success team. We're waiting to help!

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