Upload images with FileZilla

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File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a popular method of uploading large numbers of images to Sirv. There are many FTP programs available, of which FileZilla is the most widely used.

FileZilla is a free FTP program. This open source software is easy to configure and can be used on Windows, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux. The tutorial below includes step-by-step screenshots of how to upload images with FileZilla.

1. Get connected

1.1 Download FileZilla and install it.

1.2 Open FileZilla and go to File > Site Manager.

1.3 Select the "New Site" button and rename the site as you wish (e.g. Sirv)

1.4 With the General tab open enter your Sirv FTP details from your account page. If you're not already a Sirv user, create an account to start hosting your images online.

  • Host: ftp.sirv.com
  • Encryption: Only use plain FTP (insecure).
  • Logon Type: Normal
  • User: Your email address
  • Password: Your Sirv password

FileZilla login details

1.5 Then click "Connect".

Connect with FileZilla

1.6 When FileZilla connects to your Sirv account, you will see your directory listing in the right-hand pane of FileZilla.

FileZilla sirv directory

Your details are now saved in FileZilla. The next time you want to connect to the Sirv server using FileZilla, simply go to Site Manager -> Select your "Site" -> click "Connect".

2. Upload images with FileZilla

2.1 In the left-hand pane containing your local files, browse through your drive to find the images or folders you wish to upload.

Uploading images FileZilla

2.2 In the right-hand pane, open the folder on your Sirv account where you wish to upload your spin to. Drag and drop your image(s) from the left-hand pane to the right pane to upload images with FileZilla. Or to save even more time, simply double click on the file you want to upload and the file will transfer to the open remote folder automatically.

FileZilla upload drag and drop

You can also right-click on the chosen images and select "Upload".

Upload images with FileZilla

2.2.1 If you need to create a new folder to store your files in. Simply right-click anywhere in the remote site pane and select "Create directory".

Create new folder FileZilla

2.2.2 Then give your new folder a name.

FileZilla new folder name

2.3 FileZilla will display the progress of your uploads near the bottom of the window. Here we have uploaded an image named: "sirv-filezilla-right-click-upload.png".


2.4 After you upload images with FileZilla, you can close the program. If you prefer to disconnect from your Sirv account, go to "Server" and select "Disconnect".

Disconnect FileZilla from server

3. Resuming downloads after disconnection

If you're uploading huge files, or if your network connection is unstable, you can reduce the possibility of broken uploads. FileZilla supports the APPE command (append), so if your connection breaks while you're uploading images with FileZilla, APPE will carry on from where it left off once you reconnect.

To use APPE in FileZilla:

3.1 Go to Edit > Settings.

FileZilla APPE

3.2 Under the "Transfers" settings, select "File exists action", then in the "Uploads" drop down box, select Resume file transfer:

FileZilla resume downloads

3.3 If your images do not fully upload, there are alternative ways to re-upload images.

  • Reupload any partially uploaded images and Sirv will reprocess them.
  • Zip the images and upload them all in one go.

4. Upload to another Sirv account

If you're managing multiple Sirv accounts, you can upload images with FileZilla into another account by using your Sirv email and password and then appending your account name to your email address like below:

upload multiple accounts

Other upload methods

As well as FTP, Sirv offers these upload methods:

  • S3 - a secure and reliable way of transferring files, consider using S3 with Cyberduck.
  • Sirv website - for convenience, just drag and drop files into your Sirv account through your web browser. Chrome is the best browser for this because it supports folder uploading. To upload folders through other browsers, zip them up first.

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