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Crop any part of an image by choosing a new width and height plus starting point for the crop.

Choose the new width and/or height - if you omit one, it will default to 100% of the image.

Use 'cw' to specify the new width in pixels or percent (%). The example below was 400px and has been cropped to 300px width:

Image cropped in width

Use 'ch' to specify the new height in pixels or percent (%). The example below has been cropped to 100px height:

Image cropped in height

Unless explicitly stated, cropping will start from the top left of the image. This can be adjusted with 'cx' and 'cy' options. These 2 options will move the point of the crop in a specified number of pixels from the top left. For example, the cropping starts at 107 pixels across and 17 pixels down:

Image cropped in width and height

You can crop around the center of the image by setting cx and cy to 'center':

Image cropped in width and height with center specified as starting point

This image is cropped around the center of the image to 50% of its original height, 100% of its original width:

Image cropped to 50% height from center

Cropping can be combined with resizing to create an image of any size and shape:

Resized and cropped image

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