All color parameters in Sirv are applied in the same way, with RGB or RGBA references.
Parameters that have color are:
- vignette.color
- text.color
- text.outline.color
- text.background.color
- watermark.canvas.color
- frame.color
- frame.rim.color
- canvas.color
To set a solid color, use a standard RGB reference such as 01417F in your URL or profile, for example:
Dominant colors
Sirv can identify the dominant color in each of 64 parts of your image. Each area is divided equally by height and width, like these examples:

Obtain the 64 dominant colors in either JSON or JSONP format by appending ?histogram=rgb&info to your image.
JSON example:
JSONP example:
Values for the 64 areas are displayed in sets of 8, like so:
"dominantColors": [ [ "#B9B7AE", "#A1A6B5", "#C0CAD3", "#AAA79C", "#AEA693", "#979385", "#D9F9FF", "#B3D8F7" ], [ "#B0AB99", "#908A7D", "#C7AF8C", "#6C6254", "#675343", "#806B55", "#9AABB6", "#A2BCD2" ], [ "#B9D3DA", "#7D8282", "#7A756C", "#777B7C", "#7F7262", "#9C9287", "#696157", "#6D7782" ], [ "#B5CDD5", "#858E92", "#8F9696", "#9A9791", "#8C7E70", "#847360", "#443B32", "#3E3F3F" ], [ "#A6AAA0", "#939CA1", "#70757C", "#877867", "#8F7558", "#7D6347", "#483A2E", "#3A3C41" ], [ "#8C7D68", "#948C7F", "#7C8696", "#787379", "#5E452F", "#695D52", "#3B3025", "#1A1A18" ], [ "#736149", "#503F2E", "#7C818C", "#5D5E65", "#3E2D22", "#31241B", "#36271B", "#161511" ], [ "#5D564C", "#847E76", "#84827F", "#78746F", "#827E79", "#68625C", "#4D4137", "#3C2B1E" ] ],