Image zoom
Sirv Media Viewer's zoom module is one of the easiest ways to showcase close-up details of your products. It's fast, highly customizable and can be combined with other modules like 360 spin, static images and videos.
1. Add sirv.js to your HTML page (usually before the </head> or before the </body>):
<script src=""></script>
If you only need Sirv JS for image zoom, you can use a smaller version of Sirv JS instead.
2. Add a div with class of "Sirv", containing each of your assets in their own div. This example contains 5 zoomable images:
<div class="Sirv"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
Customize your zoom with over 15 different options:
Parameter | Default | Options | Description |
mode | inner | inner, top, left, right, bottom, magnifier, deep | Method for zooming an image. |
trigger | click | click / dblclick / hover | Method to trigger zoom. |
margin | 9 | numeric (px) | Padding between main image and zoomed image. |
width | auto | auto / numeric (px) | Width of image. |
height | auto | auto / numeric (px) | Height of image. |
pan | false | true, false | Pan the image on hover. |
ratio | 2.5 | numeric | Magnification level between each zoom. |
wheel | true | true, false | Zoom in/out on mousewheel. |
tiles | true | true, false | Zoom with small, 256px tiled images. |
zoom.hint.enable | true | true, false | Hint that image is zoomable. |
zoom.hint.text.hover | Hover to zoom | Text shown if trigger is hover. | | | Click to zoom | Text shown if trigger is click. | |
zoom.hint.text.dblclick    | Double click to zoom | Text shown if trigger is double-click. | |
map.enable | false | true, false | Display location map in corner. |
map.size | 25 | Percentage | Size of map in relation to main image. |
How to apply options
Via data attributes
Zoom options can be applied with data-options either to all zooms via the master div, prefixed with zoom. for example zoom.mode:right:
<div class="Sirv" data-options="zoom.mode:right"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
Or apply options in each image div like so:
<div class="Sirv"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom" data-options="mode:right"></div> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom" data-options="mode:right"></div> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom" data-options="mode:right"></div> </div>
Via JavaScript
Options can also be applied ot all spins on the page or website, via a script:
<script> var SirvOptions = { viewer: { zoom: { mode: 'right', trigger: 'dblclick' } } } </script>
There are 4 zoom modes to choose from:
- inner - zoom inside the main image.
- top/right/bottom/left - zoom window to the side.
- magnifier - magnifying loupe effect.
- deep - multi-level deep zoom.
<div class="Sirv" data-options="mode:magnifier"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
<script> var SirvOptions = { viewer: { zoom: { mode: 'magnifier' } } } </script>
Inner zoom
Magnifier zoom
Deep zoom
Hover zoom (right)
When using hover zoom (top/left/bottom/right), if there is insufficient space for the zoomed image, internal zoom will be used instead.
Multi-level zoom can be zoomed on double-click (instead of click), by setting trigger to dblclick:
<div class="Sirv"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom" data-options="mode:deep; trigger:dblclick"></div> </div>
<script> var SirvOptions = { viewer: { zoom: { mode: 'deep', trigger: 'dblclick' } } } </script>
Width and height
Set the width and height of the zoom window in either px or as a percentage of the main image:
<div class="Sirv" data-options="width:120%; height:150%"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
<script> var SirvOptions = { viewer: { zoom: { width: '120%', height: '150%' } } } </script>
Set the distance between the main image and the window on hover zoom with margin.
The default margin is 9px. This example sets it to 20px:
<div class="Sirv" data-options="margin:20"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
<script> var SirvOptions = { viewer: { zoom: { margin: 20 } } } </script>
The image will pan as the cursor moves across it. Instead, you can enable click and drag to pan with pan:
<div class="Sirv" data-options="pan:true"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
<script> var SirvOptions = { viewer: { zoom: { pan: true } } } </script>
The zoomed image is 2.5 times larger than the main image by default. Increase or decrease the zoom level with ratio. For example, if the image on the page is 300px width and the zoom ratio is 3, then the first zoom will load a 900px width image, then the next level will be 2700px width and so on until the full size master image is shown. The zoom will not go beyond 100% of the master image (or it would start to look blurry).
This will make the zoomed image 4 times larger:
<div class="Sirv" data-options="ratio:4"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
<script> var SirvOptions = { viewer: { zoom: { ratio: 4 } } } </script>
The mousewheel zooms the image by default. Turn it off by setting wheel to false:
<div class="Sirv" data-options="wheel:false"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
<script> var SirvOptions = { viewer: { zoom: { wheel: false } } } </script>
Deep zooms use images that are sliced into many small square tiles. Only the tiles in the area where the user is zooming will load, so zooms load quickly, with minimal bandwidth. Tiling of deep zoom images cannot be disabled.
All other types of zooms (internal zoom, side zoom, magnifier) will load the large image, as this is typically the fastest experience. If you prefer to use tiles for those zooms, enable tiling by setting tiles to true:
<div class="Sirv" data-options="tiles:true"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
<script> var SirvOptions = { viewer: { zoom: { tiles: true } } } </script>
Some text is shown over the image to hint to the user that the image is zoomable. To disable the hint, set zoom.hint.enable to false:
<div class="Sirv" data-options="zoom.hint.enable:false"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
<script> var SirvOptions = { viewer: { zoom: { hint: { enable: false } } } } </script>
Change the text to a message or language of your choice. There are 3 messages depending on the action required by the user:
- zoom.hint.text.hover: Hover to zoom
- Click to zoom
- zoom.hint.text.dblclick: Double click to zoom
<div class="Sirv" data-options="zoom.hint.text.dblclick: Double-cliquez pour agrandir"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
<script> var SirvOptions = { viewer: { zoom: { hint: { text: { dblclick: 'Double-cliquez pour agrandir' } } } } } </script>
A little map is shown in the corner to help users identify whereabouts they are in the zoomed image. This is useful for very large images. Enable it by setting map.enable to true:
<div class="Sirv" data-options="map.enable:true"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
<script> var SirvOptions = { viewer: { zoom: { map:{ enable: true } } } } </script>
The map size is 25% of the width of the image by default. Change it to another size with map.size:
<div class="Sirv" data-options="map.size:20"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
<script> var SirvOptions = { viewer: { zoom: { map: { size: 20 } } } } </script>
Disable zoom
To disable zoom, remove data-type="zoom":
<div class="Sirv"> <div data-src=""></div> </div>
Mobile settings
To set different settings for mobile devices, use SirvMobileOptions. It can be applied in three ways.
Either apply settings via the main div:
<div class="Sirv" data-mobile-options="zoom.ratio:1.5"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>
Or apply settings via each div:
<div class="Sirv"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom" data-mobile-options="ratio:1.5"></div> </div>
Alternatively, apply settings to all instances on a page/website via a script:
<script> var SirvMobileOptions = { zoom: { ratio: 1.5 } } </script>
Alt text
Alt text will automatically be added to the image based upon the image's Description field in your Sirv account.
Alternatively, alt tags can be added via the data-alt attribute, for example:
<div class="Sirv"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom" data-alt="Write your alt tag here"></div> </div>
Custom styling
You can use CSS to change the styling of the zoom experience, including the fullscreen icon or the mouse cursor.
Change cursor
To change the zoom-in cursor, upload a new SVG cursor to your account and reference it in a .smv-cursor-zoom-in style. Example:
<style> .smv-cursor-zoom-in { cursor: url(''), auto; } </style>
Change background color
To change the background behind a magnifier, change the .sirv-zoom class. This example will make the background 20% black:
<style> .sirv-zoom { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } </style>
Overlay image
This stlye adds a 80px cross character overlaid on the image. You could also overlay an image instead of text characters. It is applied to the .Sirv .smv-content::before class:
<style> .Sirv .smv-content::before { content: "+"; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); color: white; font-size: 80px; z-index: 2; font-weight: bold; pointer-events: none; text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, 1px 1px 0 #000; } </style>
Dynamic imaging
You can add parameters or a profile to the Sirv Zoom master image to create a unique design. Simply add a ? after the image name and & between each parameter.
The example below uses a profile ?profile=Example-Text2, which overlays some text and makes the image greyscale:
Here is the code:
<div class="Sirv"> <div data-src="" data-type="zoom"></div> </div>