You can hook into the events below to track users and generate analytics that reveal how users are interacting with your images, spins and sliders.
List of events
Viewer events
Event | Parameter | Description |
viewer:ready | viewer | Fires when slider instance is ready to operate |
viewer:fullscreenIn | viewer | Fires when slider instance is ready to operate |
viewer:fullscreenOut | viewer | Fires after exiting fullscreen |
viewer:beforeSlideIn | next item | Fires before slide transition |
viewer:beforeSlideOut | current item | Fires before slide transition |
viewer:afterSlideIn | current item | Fires after slide transition |
viewer:afterSlideOut | item | Fires after slide transition |
viewer:enableItem | item | Fires when item is enabled |
viewer:disableItem | item | Fires when item is disabled |
Spin events
Event | Parameter | Description |
spin:init | spin | Fires when spin instance is initialized |
spin:ready | spin | Fires when spin instance is ready to operate |
spin:zoomIn | spin | Fires when zoom mode activates |
spin:zoomOut | spin | Fires when zoom mode deactivates |
spin:rotate | spin | Fires when user rotates spin |
spin:rotateEnd | spin | Fires when spin stops rotating |
Zoom events
Event | Parameter | Description |
zoom:ready | zoom | Fires when zoom instance is ready to operate |
zoom:zoomIn | zoom | Fires when zoom mode activates |
zoom:zoomOut | zoom | Fires when zoom mode deactivates |
Video events
Event | Parameter | Description |
video:ready | video | Fires when video instance is ready to operate |
video:play | video | Fires when video playback starts |
video:pause | video | Fires when video playback is paused |
video:resume | video | Fires when video playback resumes |
video:end | video | Fires when playback reaches end of video |
video:seek | video | Fires when a seek operation completes |
video:fullscreenIn | video | Fires when video enters fullscreen mode |
video:fullscreenOut | video | Fires when video leaves fullscreen mode |
Image events
Event | Parameter | Description |
image:ready | image | Fires when image instance is ready to operate |
Sirv API event binding
Attach and remove event handlers with the Sirv API using Sirv.on() and methods.
function viewerEventHandler(viewer) { console.log('Sirv Viewer event happened.'); } // Attach an event handler for a Viewer event Sirv.on('viewer:ready', viewerEventHandler); // Remove an event handler for a Viewer event'viewer:ready', viewerEventHandler); // Attach an event handler for a Spin event Sirv.on('spin:zoomIn', (spin) => { console.log('Spin frame is zoomed in.'); }); // Attach an event handler for a Zoom event Sirv.on('zoom:zoomOut', (zoom) => { console.log('Zoom image is zoomed out.'); });
In more detail:
<div class="Sirv" id="test"> <div data-src=""></div> <div data-src=""></div> <div data-src=""></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> Sirv.on('viewer:ready', (viewer) => { console.log('custom global event ready', viewer); if ( === 'test') { let child = viewer.child(); } }); Sirv.on('viewer:fullscreenIn', (viewer) => { console.log('custom global event fullscreenIn', viewer); }); Sirv.on('viewer:fullscreenOut', (viewer) => { console.log('custom global event fullscreenOut', viewer); }); Sirv.on('viewer:beforeSlideIn', (item) => { console.log('custom global event beforeSlideIn', item); }); Sirv.on('viewer:beforeSlideOut', (item) => { console.log('custom global event beforeSlideOut', item); }); Sirv.on('viewer:afterSlideIn', (item) => { console.log('custom global event afterSlideIn', item); }); Sirv.on('viewer:afterSlideOut', (item) => { console.log('custom global event afterSlideOut', item); }); </script>
JavaScript event binding
Attach and remove event handlers with the standard DOM API by using the .addEventListener() and .removeEventListener() methods. Event names are namespaced with sirv:.
Attach an event handler for an event to a specific Sirv Media Viewer instance:
document.querySelector('.product-view .Sirv').addEventListener('sirv:viewer:beforeSlideIn', (e) => { console.log('Sirv Viewer event happened.', e.detail); });
Attach an event handler for an event to a document element to watch events from all Sirv Media Viewer instances:
document.addEventListener('sirv:viewer:beforeSlideIn', (e) => { });
jQuery event binding
Attach and remove event handlers with jQuery using its .on() and .off() methods. Event names are namespaced with sirv::
function eventHandler(e) { console.log('Sirv event happened.', e.detail); }
Attach an event handler:
jQuery('.product-view .Sirv').on('sirv:viewer:beforeSlideIn', eventHandler);
Remove an event handler:
jQuery('.product-view .Sirv').off('sirv:viewer:beforeSlideIn', eventHandler);
Example event usage
Below shows the possible use of the spin:rotate event:
Sirv.on('spin:rotate', (spinInstance) => { /* Send a spin event to Google analytics */ ga('event', { 'Sirv', 'Spin interaction', eventLabel: 'event.sirv.spin.interaction' }); /* Send a custom spin event to Facebook */ fbq('trackCustom', Sirv Spin Interaction'); });
Below shows two spins on a page, with different events applied per spin:
<div class="Sirv" id="viewer-id-1"> <div data-id="spin-id-1" data-src=""></div> </div> <div class="Sirv" id="viewer-id-2"> <div data-id="spin-id-2" data-src=""></div> </div> <script> // first variant Sirv.on('spin:ready', (spin) => { // const viewer = spin.parent().parent() // === "viewer-id-1" || === "viewer-id-2" // === "spin-id-1 || === "spin-id-2" display3dProductContent(spin); }); Sirv.on('spin:rotate', (spin) => { // const viewer = spin.parent().parent() // === "viewer-id-1" || === "viewer-id-2" // === "spin-id-1 || === "spin-id-2" $('.slide-content').removeClass('show'); }); Sirv.on('spin:rotateEnd', (spin) => { // const viewer = spin.parent().parent(); // === "viewer-id-1" || === "viewer-id-2" // === "spin-id-1 || === "spin-id-2" display3dProductContent(spin); }); //second variant document.querySelector("#viewer-id-2").addEventListener('sirv:spin:ready', (e) => { const spin = e.detail; // const viewer = spin.parent().parent(); // === "viewer-id-2" // === "spin-id-2" }); document.querySelector("#viewer-id-2").addEventListener('sirv:spin:rotate', (e) => { const spin = e.detail; // const viewer = spin.parent().parent(); // === "viewer-id-2" // === "spin-id-2" }); document.querySelector("#viewer-id-2").addEventListener('sirv:spin:rotateEnd', (e) => { const spin = e.detail; // const viewer = spin.parent().parent(); // === "viewer-id-2" // === "spin-id-2" }); </script>
Event statistics
Sirv counts the views of your spins and shows the total on the Spin views page in your Sirv account. A "view" is counted each time the spin:ready event fires. The event fires once the images have downloaded and the spin is ready to interact with. Spins will lazy load by default, so the images will download only when the spin enters the viewport - if the spin is further down the page or if it is in a gallery and not shown on load, then no view will be counted until the user goes to the spin.
If the user navigates to another page and then comes back to the same page, another spin view will be counted (once the spin:ready event fires).